Climate forecast tomorrow

Climate forecast tomorrow

The Nationwide Heart of Meteorology expects tomorrow’s climate to be usually honest and humid in a single day and Sunday morning, with the opportunity of fog or gentle mist in some coastal and inland areas, and winds will probably be gentle to average.

The wind turns southeast to northwest / 10 – 20 and reaches 30 km/h.

The Arabian Gulf can have gentle waves whereas the primary tide will happen at 1:50 PM, the second tide at 1:50 AM, the primary low tide at 7:39 PM and the second excessive tide at 7:55 AM.

The Sea of ​​Oman has gentle waves, with the primary tide occurring at 9:50 AM, the second tide at 10:51 PM, the primary low tide at 4:20 PM and the second low tide at 4:33 AM.

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