‘Abbas positioned the burden of the Palestinian problem on the worldwide group’ – Center East Monitor

‘Abbas positioned the burden of the Palestinian problem on the worldwide group’ – Center East Monitor

The Democratic Entrance for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), a faction of the Palestine Liberation Group (PLO), introduced Friday that the Palestinian Authority (PA), PLO and Fatah chief Mahmoud Abbas are transferring the burden of the Palestinian trigger to the worldwide group has laid. .

Whereas addressing world leaders on the United Nations (UN) Basic Meeting, Abbas absolved the PA of its accountability in the direction of the Palestinian trigger.

In an announcement, the DFLP famous: “Abbas acknowledged that the Oslo Accords, signed thirty years in the past, didn’t remedy the Palestinian problem however created many issues for it.”

The DFLP added: “When Abbas spoke about Oslo, he ignored the resolutions of Palestinian legitimacy represented by the Central and Nationwide Councils that determined to finish the Oslo transition section and abolish all its situations.”

Based on the DFLP assertion, Abbas has “insisted on putting the burden of the Palestinian trigger on the UN and exempting the PA from any accountability for the protection of Palestinians, their land, their rights and their nationwide dignity.”

In the meantime, Abbas summed up all types of resistance with standard resistance: “And even ignored the position of the PA in supporting this type of resistance.”

Abbas ignored the outcomes of the armed Palestinian resistance and the consensus among the many Palestinian factions and confirmed full respect for the futile worldwide efforts that favor Israeli pursuits over these of the Palestinians.

READ: Jordan: King warns towards excluding Palestine from any regional peace deal

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